
PAN Co-founder Receives Global Award for Patient Engagement!

Jul 12, 2024

The innovative approach that the Patient Advisors Network (PAN) has for supporting the patient/caregiving partner community has been recognized globally by its peers.

woman standing in front of beige wall holding an award.

Alies Maybee, PAN’s co-founder and co-chair, with her ‘Made with Patients’ Award.

One of PAN’s co-founders and co-chairs, Alies Maybee, was awarded the Made with Patients Champion Award in May 2024 at the Patient Engagement Open Forum (PEOF) conference in Bavano, Italy. She shares this global award with Abigail Simon-Hart from Nigeria.

“As a non-profit organization that is independent and self-funded, we offer a unique approach when partnering with other organizations as a patient/caregiver partner network, says Alies. 

Our peer-to-peer support is an important part of the community where the experiences and skills of community of patient and caregiver partners from across Canada are shared in an effort to improve healthcare for all.

This award recognizes Alies’ contribution to creating an organization with such an innovative approach to patient engagement and her efforts in co-initiating Equity-Mobilizing Partnerships in Community (EMPaCT), a diverse community table focused on health equity. Alies accepted the award on behalf of all those who have contributed to the creation and evolution of PAN.

PAN was created to provide a space for these partners to connect and learn how to be more effective at partnering. Collaborating with healthcare partners on projects that align with its mission, it has grown from a grassroots organization into a national entity celebrated worldwide. 

PAN’s report, “Reimagining the Research Landscape,” influenced one of the concurrent sessions at this international gathering. This PEOF session used PAN’s suggestions directed at funding agencies as probing ideas for discussion. 

“PEOF is a global gathering bringing together an unparalleled network of multicultural and multidisciplinary visionaries to shape the future of Patient Engagement,” says Alies. It is organized by Patient Focused Medicine (, the European Patients’ Academy (EUPATI) and the European Patients’ Forum (EPF) and started in 2019. “The many patients and caregivers who attended are so like the folks in our community, committed to making health and care better through their efforts.”

There is nothing quite like PEOF in North America, so being part of this global network makes sense for PAN. Join the PAN community and be part of a Canadian movement that leads from the heart. 

In her acceptance speech, Alies asked us all to consider how patient engagement will need to innovate to tackle the huge impact on health from AI, climate change, and future pandemics.

PAN Members Community Guidelines

We want everyone to feel welcome on our PAN community site, so we’ve created these guidelines to foster the community we would like to see. By joining and participating in our Community, you agree that you have read and will follow these guidelines.

Within the PAN Community site and in our dealings with each other through other PAN initiatives:

  1. Be respectful. We all have a shared goal of making healthcare better for Canadians. The PAN Community may include people you work with or may meet in future. As members of PAN, we demonstrate respect in our communication, sharing and crediting of resources/knowledge and  in our interactions with each other and stakeholders from outside the PAN.


  1. Focus on a positive and collaborative approach.  Let’s work together to build strong relationships so we can achieve great things. Diversity of thought and sharing of perspectives is healthy – we won’t all agree on everything, but we want to keep an open mind to consider new ideas and change.


  1. Do not discriminate or engage in harmful activity. We value different ideas and opinions but there is no place for any activity that could hurt someone, whether it’s physical, emotional, mental or digital. Racism, hateful language, or discrimination of any kind is not acceptable. Don’t post anything you wouldn’t want everyone in the world to know about or that you wouldn’t want anyone to know that it came from you.


  1. Use your true identity. We made this community site private so that we can feel free to be ourselves. Each member is vetted by our team to ensure people are here for the right reasons. Communicating with each other is based on trust.

To ensure the PAN community remains a safe place for all members, we ask you that you contact if you encounter a situation where guidelines may have been breached. PAN reserves the right to suspend or terminate membership in the Community for anyone who violates these guidelines.


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Directives de la communauté des membres du PAN

Nous voulons que tout le monde se sente bienvenu sur notre site Web communautaire de PAN. Nous avons donc créé ces directives pour aider au développement de la communauté que nous aimerions voir. En rejoignant et en participant à notre communauté, vous acceptez de lire et de suivre ces directives.

Sur le site de Web de la communauté de PAN et dans nos relations mutuelles dans le cadre d'autres initiatives de PAN :

  1. Soyez respectueux. Nous partageons tous l'objectif d'améliorer les soins de santé pour les Canadiens. La communautéde PAN peut inclure des personnes avec lesquelles vous travaillez ou que vous pourriez rencontrer à l'avenir. En tant que membres de PAN, nous faisons preuve de respect dans notre communication, le partage et l'attribution de ressources/connaissances et dans nos interactions les uns avec les autres et avec les parties prenantes extérieures de
  2. Se concentrersur une approche positive et collaborative.  Travaillons ensemble pour construire des relations solides afin de réaliser de grandes choses. La diversité de pensée et le partage des perspectives sont sains - nous ne serons pas tous d'accord sur tout, mais nous voulons garder l'esprit ouvert pour envisager de nouvelles idées et des changements.
  3. Ne faites pas de discrimination et neparticipez pas à des activités nuisibles. Nous apprécions les idées et les opinions différentes, mais il n'y a pas de place pour les commentaires susceptibles de blesser quelqu'un, que ce soit physiquement, émotionnellement, mentalement ou numériquement. Le racisme, les propos haineux ou la discrimination sous quelque forme que ce soit ne sont pas acceptables. Ne publiez rien que vous ne voudriez pas que tout le monde sache ou dont vous ne voudriez pas que l'on sache qu'il vient de vous.
  4. Utilisez votre véritable identité. Nous avons rendu ce site Web communautaire privé afin que nous puissions nous sentir libres d'être nous-mêmes. Chaque membre est accepté manuellementpar notre équipe pour s'assurer qu'il est là pour les bonnes raisons. La communication entre nous est basée sur la confiance.

Pour s'assurer que la communauté de PAN reste un endroit sûr pour tous les membres, nous vous demandons de contacter  si vous rencontrez une situation où les directives ont été violées. PAN se réserve le droit de suspendre ou de résilier l'adhésion à la communauté de toute personne qui enfreint ces directives.

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